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I love to code. And it's simple as that.
I am a Software Engineer currently based in Mauritius. Haven't heard about Mauritius? It is a small island in the Indian ocean. I graduated with a first class in Software Engineering at the University of Mauritius in 2020. Currently I'm learning React and other animation libraries which make websites more engaging. My day-to-day work is the development in the .NET stack but learning new things always help.
Easy to work with.
Love to help others.
Communicate as clearly as possible.
Love to listen to music while coding.
Infomil March 2021 - Present
Spoon Consulting May 2020 - February 2021
Ministry of Industry May 2019 - August 2019
Javascript ♦ Python
Music player
React ♦ Framer-motion
Daily UI - Day 1
Daily UI - Day 2
Daily UI - Day 3
Weather App
Openweather API ♦ React ♦ Material-UI
Sentiment Analysis
Flask ♦ Python ♦ React ♦ Material-UI
Photo Gallery
Unsplash API ♦ React ♦ Material-UI
C# ♦ .NET ♦ HTML & CSS ♦ SQL ♦ Elasticsearch ♦ React ♦ Javascript ♦ Python ♦ Tensorflow ♦ OpenCV ♦ NLP ♦ Matplotlib ♦ Agile methodology
Special thanks goes to : Jéssica C Ribeiro for providing the arrows from Flaticon